
Visit Anaheim

Creative Direction  /  Art Direction  /  Production Design

The purpose of the Visit Anaheim website is to support VA’s mission to develop, promote, market, and sell Anaheim, Garden Grove, and Orange County as a premier visitor destination benefiting the economic vitality of her communities and the quality of life of its citizens.

The project was to completely redesign of the city of Anaheim’s tourism website. Once the Strategy and UX was approved by the client the design team took over, my role was to create one of the two concepts, and present both concepts to the client.


The purpose of the Visit Anaheim website is to support VA’s mission to develop, promote, market, and sell Anaheim, Garden Grove, and Orange County as a premier visitor destination benefiting the economic vitality of her communities and the quality of life of its citizens.

Homepage 1440px.jpg
Attractions ID 2.6 Template C - Map View.jpg
Location Detail ID 2.6.1 Template E.jpg
Trip Ideas ID 4.2 Template F.jpg